Cordex High-Performance (HP) rectifiers make a proven, reliable platform even better, with significant advancements in efficiency and performance.
In a compact, fan-cooled design, HP rectifiers open the possibility to a compact, fan-cooled design, HP rectifiers open the possibility to wider ranges of applications and immediate Opex/Capex savings, reducing total cost of ownership and impact on the environment.
The Cordex HP 2.4kW is a perfect solution for various small to large. The Cordex HP 2.4kW is a perfect solution for various small to large48Vdc capacity applications including DAS, central office, headend, backhaul and wireless base stations. It is particularly suitable for high density telecom applications and able to deliver 250A or 12kW per density telecom applications and able to deliver 250A or 12kW per compact 1RU shelf. Unlike other rectifiers in its category, the CordexHP 2.4kW provides 100% nominal power up to 55°C ambient and at least 2000W up to 65°C. With a high operating efficiency, high power density and broad temperature operation, HP series rectifiers are also ideal for harsh outside plant enclosure installations.
Local and remote setup, adjustment and control are a simple, singlestepLocal and remote setup, adjustment and control are a simple, single step process with the Cordex CXC System Controller. By utilizing TCP/IP technology, complete configuration and monitoring of power equipment is possible through a network web browser.